24 Hour Prayer Burn from 8PM – 8PM come pray for the new month, the holiday season, and for our community, and nation.
Dreamers’ Ranch is excited to announce a new and innovative opportunity ahead and we want you to be a part! Over the next week, we are raising $100,000 to secure 48 head of cattle for our new youth cattle program that will impact lives, families, and communities! Will you join us?
Check out our video and learn what Christmas at the Crossing is all about! Partner in our mission to spread Christmas cheer to the community, volunteer below.
We have many ways you can volunteer from greeting to crafts – and everything in between! Click the button below to find out more.
Calling ALL bakers! We are transforming our bake sale into something special this year, click the button below to find out more.
EY (Emerging Youth) 6:30 PM, is a gathering of ages of 12 – 18. Contact Josiah Armstrong to get involved
Prayer Furnace 7 PM in the sanctuary, come pray and worship with us!
Young Adult Group 7 PM, contact Laura to get involved
Life Groups are at the core of our community expression and are the primary place for connecting with people in our community at a personal level. Find one near you!
Celebrate Recovery 7:30 PM in the sanctuary – Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Contact Aaron to get involved
Life Groups are at the core of our community expression and are the primary place for connecting with people in our community at a personal level. Find one near you!
First Principles classes are at 6:30 PM. The First Principles Series is a set of 13, six-session Bible study guides used to establish believers and churches in the Christian faith. New enrollment occurs in fall and spring. Learn more about First Principles!
Coffee and Conversation Women join us every third Saturday morning of the month from 9 AM – 12 PM, contact Anna Benedict
Worship Service 10 AM. Find our messages HERE.
Children’s Church drop off times are from 9:40 AM – 10:15 AM. Kingdom Kids (age 1-5) is across the street at the Daycare. Power Kids (ages 6-11) is in the main building’s hall. Learn more about Children’s Church.
Café Kerygma is our very own cafe which opens at 9:30 AM for coffee and fellowship.
Dreamers’ Ranch sells their products from 12-12:30, or directly after service. Come buy our beef, lamb, pork, and eggs as available.
By Ashley Cook
Anna Benedict has been hosting “Coffee and Conversation” for the last several years in her home. It is a gathering of women who are searching and looking to dive deeper into life and relationship with one another. In recent months, a lot of really great conversations have been happening surrounding the importance of creating a space in the home that is both tidy and clean, but also a place of joy and rest.
Anna’s heart for the women in our church body was very evident as we spoke together over a pot of coffee. Her desire to see the young and old connect and learn from one another is the very heart and first fruits that started the gathering of women years ago. The group meets once a month over pastries, coffee, fellowship, conversation, and prayer. Cozied up in a home setting, it is the perfect place to dive deep into the realities of what it means to step up in the home.
Recently, Shawn and Stephanie Foster both talked about he importance of each member in the household stepping into their place both in the house and in the body.
Anna said something so profound that it still resonates now: “Last month we had a conversation about the series… If you are filling someone else’s shoes, they cannot fill them… I feel the safest when I am in submission to my husband.” When asked what she meant by safe, she continued: “At one point, I was making big decisions because I was the one that was home.” But things have changed now. “The other day, my son was asking me something and I said ‘I’m going to ask dad about that because I’m not sure… So I asked him and he said ‘sure! That’s a great idea!’ Just knowing that I had that covering is what I mean by safe.”
Learning how to step into place, growing children, and the heart of submission can be a juggle, especially if you are new to the task. “Someone that learns how to juggle doesn’t just pick up five balls and start juggling. They pick one up and get good at throwing and catching it, not just throwing it up a foot, but throwing it up three feet and catching it, because by the fifth ball, they have to have that one pretty high in order to juggle the other ones… There is a whole skillset that goes along with juggling.”
It can sometimes take a lifetime to truly master anything, but Anna has the life experience and metaphors to prove a great mastering of the principle of submission. At one point “there were a few of us sitting together and going ‘you know, we’ve learned all these things, we need to really share this…’” It was from this place that she wanted to create an atmosphere of safety for women to come and learn from one another.
“It’s my hope for everyone who comes to these conversations, especially those who are single, to glean from it… Even if you’re living at home with your parents, whatever your space is, that’s your space and it’s important to keep it tidy and make it a place of joy.”
Moving forward into the next year, Anna will be encouraging the women who meet every month in their capacity to juggle what is most important in their home. This can look different from one home to the next, but her prayer was akin to that of fashion: Everyone has one, let what you do in your home reflect the beauty you have to offer your husband, your kids, and everyone who walks through the door, and Christ will be magnified because you do.
We’d love to know… Is God on the move in your life? If you have a testimony, click the button below to share in an upcoming edition of The Crossing Weekly!