Community Movie Night at 7 PM in the sanctuary. We will be watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Come join us as we enjoy a classic shawsbuckling adventure and find out how God can speak through movies and other areas of pop culture.
Crossing Life Academy will be holding an Enrollment Q&A meeting right after service in the tent (12:30-2). This is for all parents considering enrolling their children in CLA to learn more about the vision, program and curriculum, with and open Q&A regaurding the 2022 school year.
The Clown Affair is an award-winning short film produced by Wesley Foster that will be showing at 7 PM in the sanctuary. This film includes intense relational dysfunction and is for mature audiences only (no children). There will be a time for questions and answers to conclude the night.
SOWA Camp R.A.W. presents the first annual overnight camp August 22nd-27th. This is an immersive worship, personal development, fitness, and martial arts camp for the young and aspiring warrior 9-15 years old. Click HERE to learn more!
EY (Emerging Youth) 6:30 PM, is a gathering of ages of 12 – 18. Contact Josiah Armstrong to get involved
Prayer Furnace 7 PM in the sanctuary, come pray and worship with us!
Young Adult Group 7 PM, contact Laura to get involved
Life Groups are at the core of our community expression and are the primary place for connecting with people in our community at a personal level. Find one near you!
Life Groups are at the core of our community expression and are the primary place for connecting with people in our community at a personal level. Find one near you!
First Principles classes are at 6:30 PM. The First Principles Series is a set of 13, six-session Bible study guides used to establish believers and churches in the Christian faith. New enrollment occurs in fall and spring. Learn more about First Principles!
Coffee and Conversation Women, join us every third Saturday morning of the month from 9 AM – 12 PM, contact Anna Benedict
Worship Service 10 AM. Find our messages HERE.
Children’s Church drop off times are from 9:40 AM – 10:15 AM. Kingdom Kids (age 1-5) is across the street at the Daycare. Power Kids (ages 6-11) is in the main building’s hall. Learn more about Children’s Church.
Café Kerygma is our very own cafe which opens at 9 – 10 AM & 12 – 1 PM for coffee and fellowship.
Dreamers’ Ranch sells their products from 12-12:30, or directly after service. Come buy our beef, lamb, pork, and eggs as available.
Basecamp 2022: The Year of Jubilee
The power of God is mighty to save! Basecamp 2022: The Year of Jubilee gave way for this Truth to be on display through God saving kids from enemy hooks of sin, bringing release from deep places of hurt and grief, and speaking words of destiny and purpose.
It began with an incredible team of surrendered ministers from all over: Justin Dunn, from Atlanta, GA, lead the worship team every session; Kaneesha Thomas (CEO and Founder at Live Him Ministries), and Corey Landry flew in from in Chicago, IL; Weslea Pierson, friend and pastor from our sister church in Carmel, ME; Jaymz Sideras, EDM artist, revivalist, and evangelist based out of Boston; and our very own Josiah Armstrong all brought The Word that separates bone from marrow and sets people free.
The youth came with hunger in their hearts for more of Jesus. Some rally’s lasted four to five hours, the Spirit of God encountering souls who were ready, open, and willing. Throughout the weekend, the teens would be reminded and challenged to think about what it is that God loves about them. Everyone wanted to partake in the overflow of loving abundance God had to offer, learning how Love casts out all fear.
Lindsey Messina, a recent Youthstorm Intern Graduate, brought some of her kids from Austin 17 House, located in Brentwood, New Hampshire. Some of these kids had never encountered the Spirit of the Living God, but Lindsey testified Sunday that giving these kids an encounter with God transformed them. “It was life changing; their lives will never be the same.”
“Jubilee” – Freedom! Your debt has been paid in full! In the Bible, it is represented by the number fifty. This year, around FIFTY campers attended experiencing God’s deep Love and Freedom.
Receiving God’s Love was only the beginning as each wave of His Spirit came in greater measure. Each rally built upon the last, culminating into a church service on Sunday where Kaneesha Thomas ministered to the Crossing Life body, encouraging us that “abundance is coming.”
The nature of our God is that He is deep and giving to those who are willing and ready. In order to be ready, we must be willing to go deep and let what is killing the deep roots be destroyed so that better soil can produce and let what needs to grow up be seen. The only possible way to do this is to be so enfolded in the love of God that nothing can deter you from the things He has for you.
Campers and Crossing congregation alike were encouraged to remember it is through the power of using our tongues and speaking the Truth that restoration, revival, and abundance comes, and it is here!
We’d love to know… Is God on the move in your life? If you have a testimony, click the button below to share in an upcoming edition of The Crossing Weekly!