
Growing Together in Faith and Knowledge
As part of becoming active disciples of God, we are all seeking to grow in our faith and understanding of the work and plan of God for these times. Such learning often leads to true freedom, which we earnestly desire for each member of our local church family.
Join us on Thursday nights as we gather together to explore the First Principles of the Church. These small study groups delve into God’s design for the home, family and Christian life as a foundation for our discipleship.
You can also join us for our weekend Men’s and Women’s Encounters. With a theme of “Come ready, leave changed,” these weekends provide personal restoration and fresh revelation, as well as a deeper understanding of God’s love for us. Learn more.
As a regional base for the Antioch School, and as part of Life Alliance, we also provide formal theological education done in the context of church ministry. Learn more.
We also periodically offer short term classes focused on a specific topic, such as Life to the Nth, which helps participants establish life goals and plans as well as Financial Peace University which enabled participants to learn biblically based personal finance skills.
Should you be ready for baptism, please submit this online application and a member of our team will be in touch.