New Hampshire Habitation since our 10 AM Sunday morning service on 2/19, God’s tangible presence has settled in the sanctuary. Join us in accommodating God! Read more about it in the article below. Catch the live stream on our Facebook.
Family, below is the link where you can make known your availability to cover a prayer block or two this coming week and beyond. Let’s continue to press in as a family until we receive all that God has for us in this season. Love you all and see you at a prayer block! (No need to be able to play or sing… reading scripture and praying into what you’ve read is powerful too!) – Kurt
SYMBIS Seminar is happening again! If you are engaged OR already married, come strengthen the love, following God’s design, in your relationship. Register below.
Click the button below and follow the directions, thank you for your generosity!
EY (Emerging Youth) 6:30 PM, is a gathering of ages of 12 – 18. Contact Josiah Armstrong to get involved
Prayer Furnace 7 PM in the sanctuary, come pray and worship with us!
Young Adult Group 7 PM, contact Laura to get involved
Life Groups are at the core of our community expression and are the primary place for connecting with people in our community at a personal level. Find one near you!
Life Groups are at the core of our community expression and are the primary place for connecting with people in our community at a personal level. Find one near you!
First Principles classes are at 6:30 PM. The First Principles Series is a set of 13, six-session Bible study guides used to establish believers and churches in the Christian faith. New enrollment occurs in fall and spring. Learn more about First Principles!
Coffee and Conversation Women, join us every third Saturday morning of the month from 9 AM – 12 PM, contact Anna Benedict
Worship Service 10 AM. Find our messages HERE.
Children’s Church drop off times are from 9:40 AM – 10:15 AM. Kingdom Kids (age 1-5) is across the street at the Daycare. Power Kids (ages 6-11) is in the main building’s hall. Learn more about Children’s Church.
Café Kerygma is our very own cafe which opens at 9 – 10 AM & 12 – 1 PM for coffee and fellowship.
Dreamers’ Ranch sells their products from 12:30-1, or directly after service. Come buy our prime cuts of beef, lamb, pork, and eggs as available grown organically and pasture raised on our land.
Our service from Sunday morning 2/19 is still going on drenched with a tangible presence of God. There have been healings, powerful testimonies, and inflow of people who have heard what is happening.
The message Sunday was, “He is Here,” – a continuation of last weeks, “He is Coming.” We have had such a strong sense that God was saying that He is here already and waiting for us to “accommodate” Him. We decided to do just that. As we have been seeking his direction, we have decided to keep going as long as His Presence is evident and hungry people are coming to seek His face. We didn’t want to force anything, but it has become evident that God is doing something and it is going to continue inevitably.
We have had worship leaders from other churches already starting to fill in some time. It is getting exciting. We are starting an online shared spreadsheet to facilitate some of this. Many worship leaders from other churches in our region have showed up and helped “accommodate” God. It has been so good to see so many folks in our Crossing community rise to the occasion by ushering, praying and worshiping, hosting and preparing food and evangelizing. There has been powerful engagement in both young and old. There is such a strong sense of God’s nearness.
We are trying to be flexible with all of our church programming to accommodate what God is doing. If you are a part of a Crossing LIFE group, we are asking that you come and share a meal here (potluck) and then join us for prayer and worship. If you serve on a Sunday team, please consider helping out where you can in ushering, greeting, hosting, housekeeping, and sound/media.
We’d love to know… Is God on the move in your life? If you have a testimony, click the button below to share in an upcoming edition of The Crossing Weekly!