EY (Emerging Youth) – 6:30 PM, is a gathering of ages of 12 – 18. Contact Josiah Armstrong to get involved:

Prayer Furnace 7 PM in the sanctuary, Come pray and worship with us!


Young Adult Group:  7 PM, contact Laura to get involved.

Join us for Life Groups

List of Life Groups

Celebrate Recovery: 7:30 PM in the sanctuary – Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Contact Aaron to get involved

Join us for Life Groups

List of Life Groups 

First Principles: coming in September see below for more info!

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Worship Service 10 AM. Find our messages HERE.

Children’s church drop off age 1 (& walking)-5 is across the street, at the Daycare, from 9:40 AM – 10:15 AM Ages 6-11 is in the main building’s hall

Learn more about Children’s church



We are welcoming back Larry Taylor who will be speaking and ministering at Prayer Furnace in the sanctuary 7 PM. 


Summerfields Music Festival from 11 AM – 8 PM. Music, food, & family activities. Tickets are $20!


Join a co-op learning environment and take back control of your child’s education!


SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) Training Weekend. Whether you’re planning to get married or already married this marriage seminar will equip you! Contact Wes Shattuck to reserve your spot:  Friday, 7 PM – 9 PM

Saturday, 8:45 AM – 5 PM


Bardsfest  10 AM – 6 PM Speakers (including Shawn Foster) and live music by local musicians and the Crossing Worship Team.


The God & Country Event seeks to bring together Christians for a day of worship and education. The constitution protects our God given rights and this will be a time to gather and connect with fellow believers and learn more about our freedoms here in the United States of America.


Lunch & Learn from 2 PM – 4 PM. New to our church?  Have questions? Come have lunch and learn! Sign up to attend.


First Principles New cohort starting Sep 2nd on Thursday Nights, 6:30 PM- 7:30 PM. Childcare is provided. Contact Amy Donnelly,, for more details or sign up at the Info Center. Current cohorts start back up Sep 9th. Buy your books at the Info Center by Sep 5th.


By Ashley Cook

Photos by Adriana Ciccarone

Camp always brings with it an excitement in the air, an anticipation of what God will do and how He will move. As tent poles got pegged into the ground, there was a feeling in the air on the property of Crossing Life Church a few weeks ago that begged to answer anyone’s yearning for a place to call home. At this years Basecamp, the deep roots of finding home in God and learning what it means to be on fire for Him came like a storm and left a never-ending burning wick in the life of every camper, volunteer, and attendee.

Youth Groups from all over the region came to Crossing Life Church from July 14th to the 17th for Basecamp 2021: Ignite. They each came with something: Hunger. In return, we saw God move in the hearts and minds of His people through morning and nighttime rally’s, prayer burns
that lasted for hours, and the fun had underneath the sun each afternoon. For four days, we learned about the spirit of truth and gained knowledge of how to war in the spirit.

What remained was a touch of heaven on earth.

As days went on, the youth became more and more comfortable with one another, they learned how to be a team, growing in communication skills and sinking deep into the love of God. The way each camper and volunteer came together in order to experience this love and one another was palpable in the air. Counselors and Staff watched as each person grew from a tiny budding flower into a grown warrior, hidden and defended by our big God.

We had several guest speakers and ministers from all over the region come to share in the word and testimony of what God is doing and what He has done.

Justin Dunn, from Atlanta, Georgia came to share his music and worship ministry on the keys, while also sharing a message about the feeding of the five thousand and trusting God’s provision.

Greg and Suzanne Winslow from If My People, a ministry rooted in New Hampshire, came to share about missions and the love of Christ.


Seth D, from Maine, shared at two of our rally’s. He said “Weird happens because normal isn’t working. The difference between us and the world is faith.” He spoke about all the change and confusion the world has been experiencing as of late, encouraging the youth to get weird and share the love of God where they are with no hesitancy or fear, to keep digging into the word and seeking God’s face, reminding everyone that as the questioning world comes in, we will have the answer, which is the word, knowledge, and deep relationship with Jesus Christ. People are so hungry for more and we have the answer they are looking for.

Finally, Kaneesha Thomas, Jhasidy Smith, and Nick Edwards from Bill Winston Ministries, traveled from Chicago, Illinois to share the fire with us. Confirmation after confirmation swirled in the air as God had his way and revealed more about the season we are in; words were spoken, released like thunder clapping the heavens.

As we continue to grow in our knowledge of who He is and become more and more aware of what is happening on this earth, the Youth and everyone in our body must be willing to sacrifice and turn our ears and faces to God. As we gear up for the revival that is coming to Windham and our surrounding areas, we must be ready with the knowledge of God and who He is so that when people come, we will not be swayed. We hold the key and point them to it. It’s important for all of us to find that way and be willing to bend toward it.   Basecamp 2021: Ignite, did all of that and more. What remains now are youth from all over the region on fire for more of God and more of what he is doing in the earth. If you look around now or even had the chance to be around for the week of Basecamp, the changed lives we see on fire for God are hard to miss. And it’s important to keep stoking that fire, not missing the invitation of what He is doing inside of our midst.


FLASH SALE THIS SUNDAY TAKE 2! ALL REMAINING MEAT IS 10% OFF. We will also have eggs at full price available. We need to empty our fridges, - stock up yours!

Dreamers’ Ranch, located on what many fondly remember as being the old Taylor Farm, is now once again working farm with cattle, sheep, chickens, pigs, honey bees, and a community garden.

We don’t have a store front YET, but we have plenty to offer! To make order requests, email us at!

 Curb-side pick up available at Dreamers’ Ranch by appointment.